ESSAC is the Science Committee of ECORD. ESSAC is responsible for the scientific planning and coordination of ECORD’s contribution to and participation in IODP. The main purpose of ESSAC will be to maximize ECORD’s scientific and technological contribution to IODP.
As agreed by the ECORD Council ESSAC is funded by the CNRS through the ECORD Managing Agency (EMA).
Tasks and Interactions
Advising ECORD funding organisations and ECORD Council members on IODP issues
- Coordinating expedition applications, nominating shipboard participants and reviewing quotas of shipboard scientists between participating countries;
- Coordinating ECORD Training, Education and Outreach Programmes;
- Evaluating applications and nominating scientists to participate to the Science Board of the ECORD Facility Board (EFB), the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB) and the Chikyu IODP Board (CIB);
- Nominating representatives (delegates and alternates) on IODP advisory panels;
- Initiating and monitoring workshops on specific scientific themes and syntheses of European IODP programmes;
- Providing stimulation and guidance for the writing of drilling proposals in accordance with the IODP Science Plan and encouraging IODP-related activities among participating countries;
- Assisting and advising EMA and ESO on public outreach.
ESSAC consists of a national delegate and alternate from each ECORD member country (i.e. 14 European countries plus Canada). Each country has equal voting representation. ESSAC meets twice a year.
ESSAC is managed via the ESSAC Office, which resides with the Chair of the committee and rotates every two years. The current office (2022-2024) is located at the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS – Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Trieste, Italy.
Angelo Camerlenghi is the Chair and Hanno Kinkel the Science Coordinator – Contact:
Antony Morris (UK) is the Vice-Chair from January 2022 to December 2024.
Past ESSAC offices:
- 2018-2021 – University of Plymouth, UK – Antony Morris and Hanno Kinkel
- 2016-2017 – GEOMAR, Germany – Jan Behrmann and Hanno Kinkel
- 2015-2014 – ETH, Switzerland – Gretchen Fruh-Green and Julia Gutierrez Pastor
- 2013-2012 – IACT, Spain – Carlota Escutia Dotti and Julia Gutierrez Pastor
- 2011-2010 – AWI, Germany –Rudiger Stein and Jeannette Lezius
- 2009-2008 – CEREGE, France – Gilbert Camoin and Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch
- 2005 – 2007 – Cardiff University, UK – Chris MacLeod (Julian Pearce (ESSAC acting co-chair 2006) and Federica Lenci/Elspeth Urquhart
- 2005-2003 – University of Amsterdam, Netherlands – Jeroen Kenter and Valentina Zampetti
More information about the mandate, tasks and membership of ESSAC can be found in the ECORD Memorandum of Understanding and the Terms of Reference (Revised June 2015) - pdf .
Country |
Delegate |
Alternate |
Austria | Michael Strasser | Walter Kurz |
Canada | John Jamieson | Dominique Weis |
Denmark | Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz | Paul Knutz |
Finland | Joonas Virtasolo | Christoph Beier |
France | Georges Ceuleneer | Anne Le Friant |
Germany | Susann Henkel | André Bornemann |
Ireland | David Hardy | Xavier Monteys |
Italy (Chair) | Angelo Camerlenghi | Riccardo Tribuzio |
Netherlands | Martin Ziegler | Jeroen van der Lubbe |
Norway | Helga F. Kleiven | Jan Sverre Laberg |
Portugal | Antje Voelker | Cristina Veiga-Pires |
Spain | Carlota Escutia | tbd |
Sweden | Matt O’Regan | |
Switzerland | Gretchen Früh-Green | |
United Kingdom | Kate Littler | Antony Morris |
ECORD Member at SEP (Science)
Country |
Clara Bolton | France |
Anne Briais | France |
Karsten Gohl | Germany |
Paola Vannucchi | United Kingdom |
Christoph Beier | Finland |
Lisa McNeill | United Kingdom |
Antje Voelker | Portugal |
Thorsten Bauersachs | Germany |
Julie Prytulak | United Kingdom |
ECORD Member at SEP (Site)
Country |
Christian Hübscher | Germany |
Silvia Ceramicola | Italy |
Uisdean Nicholson | United Kingdom |
Tilmann Schwenk | Germany |
Tim Reston (SEP Co-chair) | United Kingdom |
ECORD Member at EPSP
Country |
Martin Hovland | Norway |
Philippe Lapointe | France |
TBD | |
Dieter Strack | Germany |
ESSAC delegates meet twice a year in spring and fall. Since 2013, ESSAC delegates meet for one day before joining Council delegates at the Council-ESSAC annual meeting (>> reports).
Before every meeting an Agenda Book including background information related to the agenda items and abstracts of the scheduled presentations is prepared.
After each meeting the ESSAC minutes are sent to every country delegate for review and approval. The minutes also contain action items, arising during discussions. They are identified whenever actions are needed and summarised in a task list. It is the task of the ESSAC Office to carry out these actions or to monitor that tasks assigned to other persons are executed and report back to ESSAC delegates (and other ECORD partners) on the results. As coordination and communication are very complex between the ECORD member countries on the one hand and between ECORD and the other IODP partners (The United States, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand (ANZIC), India and Brasil) on the other hand, arising action items are quite diverse.
Motions proposed by the ESSAC delegates are also included in the minutes. Decisions related to the motions are taken via consensus or vote. Each ESSAC delegate has equal voting rights and weights.
Recent ESSAC meetings:
- 6th ESSAC meeting, 24-26 May 2016, Faro, Portugal Agenda Book / Minutes
- 5th ESSAC meeting, 26 October 2015, Naples, Italy – Agenda Book / Minutes