The MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme is co-funded by ECORD and ICDP and designed to support scientists in developing new and innovative science proposals to meet future challenges in Earth, life and environmental sciences. For this purpose the MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme funds workshops and/or scientists that are expected to lead to or foster high-quality and innovative scientific drilling proposals for submission to IODP and ICDP.


Supporting Workshops

The programme has two calls annually, and also releases special calls when appropriate. Proposals are reviewed by the MagellanPlus Steering Committee (MSC), with the advice of external reviewers where applicable. Proponents will be notified of the outcome within two months following the submission deadline.

MagellanPlus Call:

The next call will be issued at the end of October 2024.


Proposals should follow the themes of the 2050 Science Framework and the ICDP Science Plan, and will include complete and realistic scripts for the proposed workshop. A funded workshop must be executed within 12 months after notification of funding. MagellanPlus workshops are normally expected to take place in ECORD/ICDP member countries, but exceptions can be made when justified. The workshop should be located close to a convenient air and/or train hub and have relatively low-cost facilities. A typical workshop is expected to take place over 2-4 days, and have 20-35 participants.



The contribution will not exceed 15,000 € per workshop.

Priority is given to ECORD and ICDP member countries.

The participation of young scientists is particularly encouraged.



Instructions for MagellanPlus Workshop Applications

Workshop proposals must include:

1) a short summary (max. 500 characters) stating the purpose of the proposed workshop and its expected impact;

2) a full description (max. 2 pages) of the proposed workshop outlining the goals, rationale, expected outcome, involvement of early-career researchers, number of participants and location;

3) a workshop programme;

4) a list of keynote speakers;

5) a flyer of the workshop;

6) a full budget for the workshop;

7) a CV (max. 1 page) plus a list of international, peer-reviewed publications for the last five years, of main applicant.


Proposals must be submitted as a single, combined pdf-document and email attachment to Lucas Lourens – and to the ECORD Managing Agency –


Supporting Scientists

In addition to workshop funding, the MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme supports the participation of ECORD and ICDP scientists in international IODP and ICDP workshops held in other countries. There is no call so proposals for these funds and a request should be submitted by the organisers of the workshop to Lucas Lourens (Chair of MagellanPlus) and the ECORD Managing Agency. The proposal will briefly describe the workshop’s aims, agenda and setting and will include a list of ECORD/ICDP member country scientists to be supported, with their CV and motivations to attend the workshop. Travel support will not exceed 1,500 € per scientist and 5,000 € per workshop.

Contact: Lucas Lourens – and the ECORD Managing Agency –



Application Form

Workshop and Travel Grants Funding Guidelines & Obligations


Upcoming Workshops


  • 21st Century Drilling: Building capacity in the digital domain on scientific ocean drilling legacy material  3-12 November 2024,  Bremen, Germany website flyerapplication form
  • NHIS – Evolution of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets: timing, drivers, and interconnections  4-7 February 2025,  Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK flyer 

Participation: Scientists who are interested to take part in a workshop should contact the convenor (see flyers or links).

Past Workshops

Reports of the workshops are available below. Summaries of reports are regularly published in Scientific Drilling Journal and the ECORD Newsletter.



  • 21st Century Drilling: Building capacity in the digital domain on scientific ocean drilling legacy material  8-12 April 2024,  Bremen, Germany website flyerapplication form
  • Drilling the Tonian to Cryogenian boundary in the Inner Hebrides, Scotland  14-16 July 2024,  London, UK website flyer 


  • MSP drilling the SE-Asian Sunda Shelf: Plio-Pleistocene climate, sea level, carbon storage and continental weathering on the largest low latitude shelf system 9-11 October 2023,  Edinburgh, UK – website – flyerreport
  • MANTLE-L2S: Accessing the Circus-Iberian mantle archive of Wilson Cycle processes through Land-to-Sea drilling 3-6 July 2023,  Plymouth, UK website – flyer – report
  • MAREXKUS: Mantle Remelting and hydrothermal chemical Exchange at Knipovich Ultraslow Spreading ridge 1-3 March 2023, Rome, Italy website – flyer – report
  • CenoStore: Cenozoic palaeo-climate of NW Europe and implications for subsurface CO2 containment 11-13 January 2023, Belfast, UK – website – flyer – report


  • TIMOR: Tracing Monsoon, Ocean currents and diagenetic carbon Redistribution 19-22 May 2022, Vienna, Austria – website flyer – report
  • IODP drilling off the Belize Barrier Reef (Central America) to reconstruct postglacial environmental changes 8-10 July 2022, Frankfurt/Main, Germany – website flyer – report
  • SCYLLA: Serpentinite diapirs in the Calabrian Subduction System return lower plate mantle from Earth’s oldest ocean 21-23 September 2022, Bologna, Italy – website flyer – report
  • COSNICA: The life cycle of a microplate at a convergent margin 27-30 September 2022, Graz, Austria – website flyer – report
  • VOCS: The coupling of volcanic, climatic and sedimentary processes across the lifetime of arc-volcanic systems 12-14 October 2022, Lecco, Italy – website – flyer
  • SVALCLIME: Deep-time Arctic climate archives: High-resolution coring of Svalbard’s sedimentary record 18-21 October 2022, Longyearbyen, Norway – website – flyer – First circular
  • NorthGreen: Northeast Greenland: Unlocking records from sea to land 21-23 November 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark – website flyer – report


  • Investigating the Oceanic Life Cycle of Tectonic Plates with Mission-Specific Scientific Drilling  4-5 April 2022, Plymouth, UK – website – report
  • Mission-specific platform approaches to assessing natural hazards that impact society 7-9 July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal – website flyer – report
  • IO:DIP – Indian Ocean: Delving Into the Past 27-30 September 2022, Graz, Austria – website flyer – report
  • Mechanisms of rifting of large continental blocks – a case study at the Baltic Sea 1-3 December 2021, Helsinki, Finland – flyer – report
  • BlackGate: Black Sea – Mediterranean Gateway Exchange 22-24 September 2021, Frankfurt/Main, Germany – website flyer – report
  • EFRAM-ARC Workshop 21-24 January 2020, Trieste, Italy – flyerreport
  • RELICT Workshop 12-13 September 2019, Lisbon, Portugal – website flyerreport
  • Haiti-DRILL Workshop 20-22 May 2019, Plouzané, France – website – report
  • New Caledonia Peridotite Amphibious Drilling Workshop 22-24 January 2019, Montpellier, France – website – report
  • Navigating the IODP Proposal System –  for PhD and early-career scientists 24-26 September 2018, Southampton, UK  website – report
  • Greenland Ice Sheet evolution revealed by drilling a transect on the Baffin Bay – West Greenland Margin  12-14 September 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark  – flyerreport
  • Temporal evolution of Arctic gas hydrate and methane seepage systems 4-5 June 2018, Tromsø, Norway  – report
  • The North Atlantic Igneous Province continental break-up magmatism and impacts on global warming during the Paleogene 29-30 May 2018, Kiel, Germany Downloadreport
  • Fjord sediment archives in the northeastern North Atlantic 7-8 April 2018, Vienna, Austria – report
    • Volcanic, tectonic and hydrothermal processes in an island-arc caldera environment (Santorini-Kolumbo marine volcanic system) 21-23 November 2017, Athens, Greecereport
    • Carbon cycling at the ultra-slow Arctic spreading ridge system 6-8 September 2017, Bergen, Norway – report
    • Australasian Regional Workshop for building new IODP proposals 13-16 June 2017, Sydney, Australia – report
    • Tyrrhenian Magmatism & Mantle Exhumation (TIME) 5-7 June 2017, Bologna, Italyreport
    • Caldera Drilling – Campi Flegrei 25-28 February 2017, Naples, Italyreport
  • Bend-Fault Serpentinization: Implications for plate dynamics, Earth’s deep carbon and water cycles, and deep life  18-20 June 2016, London, UK – report
  • Antarctica’s Cenozoic Ice and Climate History: New science and new challenges of drilling in Antarctic waters 9-11 May 2016, College Station, TX, USA – report
  • Brazilian Equatorial Margin – BEM II 30 March 30 – 1 April 2016, Ubatuba, Brazil – report
  • Haiti-DRILL: A window to the North Carribean active “sliding doors” fault system through scientific drilling 26-28 October 2015, Rueil-Malmaison, France  – report
  • Submarine Paleoseismology: Using giant piston coring within IODP to fill the gap in long-term records of great earthquakes 16-18 July 2015, Zurich, Switzerland – report
  • Mantle, Water and Life: the ultramafic-hosted Rainbow hydrothermal field 10-12 June 2015, Lyon, France – report
  • IMAGE: Investigating Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange 5-8 May 2015, Rabat, Morocco – report
  • Drilling the Cretaceous Palaeogene Tropical South Atlantic 2-4 February 2015, Newcastle, UK – report
  • Newfoundland Drilling for Climate Dynamics: Filling the Oligo-Miocene gap in the North Atlantic 15-17 September 2014, Heidelberg, Germany – report
  • Advancing Sub-surface Biosphere and Paleoclimate Research 21-23 August 2014, Seoul, South Korea – report5
  • Accelerating Neoproterozoic Research through Scientific Drilling March 17-19 2014, Keyworth, UK – report
  • BLACKSINK: Black Sea History of the Past 15 Ma 27-28 February 2014, Utrecht, The Netherlands – report
  • IODP Drilling within the Corinth Continental Rift, Greece 11-14 February 2014, Athens, Greece – report
  • DREAM II: Deep-Sea Record of Mediterranean Messinian Events II 20-23 January 2014, Paris, France – report
  • ISOLAT: Integrated Southern Ocean Latitudinal Transects 23-25 September 2013, Cambridge, UK – summary
  • DREAM: Deep-Sea Record of Mediterranean Messinian Events 5-8 May 2013, Brisighella, Italy – report
  • Advancing our Understanding of Cretaceous Ocean Dynamics by Scientific Ocean Drilling 15-17 April 2013, London, UK – report
  • Drilling an Active Hydrothermal System associated with a Submarine Intraoceanic Arc Volcano 15-17 November 2012, Lisbon, Portugal – report
  • Records of Geohazards and Monsoonal Changes in the Northern Bay of Bengal 8-9 October 2012, Bremen, Germany – summary

Members of the MagellanPlus Steering Committee

Chair: Lucas Lourens (IODP) – – Paleoclimate (Cenozoic)

Vice-Chair: Johan Lissenberg (IODP) – Oceanic lithosphere

Stefano Bernasconi (IODP) – Geochemistry

Verena Heuer (IODP) – Deep biosphere

Anne Le Friant (IODP) – Geohazards

Werner Piller (ICDP) – Stratigraphy/Carbonates

Catalina Gebhardt (IODP) – Seismic stratigraphy/Sedimentology

Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz (IODP) – Paleoclimate/Paleogeography

Ales Spicak (ICDP) – Seismology

Karsten Haase (IODP) – Marine petrology

Past Members

Michele Rebesco (OGS, Italy)
Rüdiger Stein (AWI Bremerhaven)
Jochen Erbacher (Chair, BGR)

Reports of Magellan workshops

Reports of the Magellan Workshop Series Programme (2006-2011) are available on the website of the European Science Foundation (ESF).