Scientific Ocean Drilling will soon enter a transitional phase from the 2013-2023 Science Plan to the 2050 Science Framework (, which represents a new and innovative approach for conducting science using offshore drilling platforms.

A prominent role for Mission-Specific Platforms (MSP) is anticipated to achieve the goals of the 2050 Science Framework.

The ECORD/ICDP MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme welcomes proposals for topical workshops aimed at generating MSP drilling proposals, either as stand-alone projects or as part of land-to-sea transects that integrate marine and continental coring. Scientific themes must be aligned with the Strategic Objectives defined in the 2050 Science Framework including, but will not be limited to:

– Earth’s Climate System (e.g., oceanic gateways, ice sheets and sea-level rise);
– Global Cycles of Energy and Matter (e.g., freshwater aquifers);
– Natural Hazards Impacting Society (e.g., slope stability, volcanic hazards, earthquakes);
– The Oceanic Life Cycle of Tectonic Plates (e.g., formation of oceanic lithosphere, intraplate magmatism, young rifts);
– Habitability and Life on Earth (e.g., deep biosphere).



The contribution of the MagellanPlus Workshop Series will not exceed 15,000 € per workshop. 

Download here the Call for MagellanPlus proposals – deadline: 15 May 2021

For further information, please visit the MagellanPlus website.